Bracelets for Walk

From now on, less stories about re-walking rats, folks…
now HUMANS are in the first row !!!!

First serious Human Trial to fix broken Spinal Cord is
happening right now!!!

Under careful coordination of  Dr. Wise Young and his team,
trials are started in China and will be also held in USA and some other countries.
To help this trial, mostly financed from  donations,  you can go to the website 
where you can donate for this noble cause.

There is group of volunteers that have organized campaign of selling SCI Trial Bracelets.
Money goes to the fund for SCINetUSA for this human trial.
For $ 5.00 + $ 1.00 Mail cost you should get Bracelet and flyer with explanation.
Bracelets you can buy here:

(see bellow)


Death of Wheelchair

Graphene as Future of Exoskeleton suites

For current “state of Exoskeleton nation” please see my post Exoskeleton’s.

Exoskeleton suites will eliminate use of wheelchairs and some of other mobility and rehabilitation devices in the same way as computers killed typewriter (and some other devices).

Above statement is based on prediction that Exoskeletons will be improved dramatically in the near future with the use of GRAPHENE, recently “discovered” new material based on sheet built with one atomic layer of Carbon. This predictions of exoskeleton future built with Graphene comes from properties of this new marvel material. Instead of “old” clunky exoskeleton parts Graphene sheets will be major component used to build Exoskeleton full body or partial body suit.

It will look similar like today’s modern full body swimsuits and our regular clothes could cover this suit if needed.

This suit should be easy to wear and possibly could be programmed to wear by itself  helping immobile patients with eliminating need for another person(s) assistance.

Graphene Exoskeleton will not need extra pack of batteries as it will be power storage itself and will not need special separate computer as layers of this material can do computing itself.

Strong as spider net (10 x stronger than steel!) this material will be form in layers net that will form the main fabric of the suit and at the same time base for hundreds of sensors and electric stimulus transfer points for non working muscles. Embedded within a suit, long tubes/ wires created by spirals of millions of Graphene circle layers will form powerful exo-tendons and exo-muscles that would sprout through the suit enabling and coordinating movement by contracting – releasing on command.

Those, under skin Graphene “veins” and “tendons” would be also very powerful energy storage’s (similar to ultracapacitors). It will have plenty of fast rechargeable power to move handicapped or injured individual into normal walking, running, dancing or swimming.

. The whole suit will be thin as extra layer of skin, transparent and open as a net to let skin breathe.
To be able to simultaneously and flawlessly control all movements and keep perfect balance and stability, several layers of Graphene suite along with layers of some other new materials (possibly Molybdenite, or MoS2) will work as a powerful computer itself. This computer should be controlling superbly 3 levels of movement fused into one fluid motion.

First level of movement will be original remaining movement of user’s muscles if it exists. Second level of movement will be harnessed after user’s muscles are stimulated by the suit. Final coordination of movement will be achieved with Graphene suit strong exo-muscles in the shape of sprouted “veins” that will produce movement in “contraction-release” fashion.

 This whole suite will be controlled by user direct brain activity and will be no need to learn using any commands or controls as our brain already knows how to move by sending commands & signals even when those signals due to injury or disease cannot reach targeted muscles.
Neurophysiologist Miguel Nicolelis from Duke University and his team are already in advanced stage of brain-controlled exoskeleton project.

Future users of Graphene suit, aside from mobility impaired patients or larger and aging population with need for mobility support, this suit could be used by workers on physical demanding jobs, soldiers, firefighters etc.
Graphene suit could also be used as training device for sportsman’s and even for hikers, swimmers etc.
Rehabilitation process will be much easier and more effective with this all time Self Wearable Suit.
Price for Graphene suit in mass production could be much lower than the price for “old & clunky” exoskeleton suites we can see developed from 2004 to possibly 2014. As more and more people would use this type of suit and thanks to possible competition price will
go down to the price of wheelchair that will share destiny of the author.
As Graphene Suites will be self-learning and self-adjusting devices, it will be easy to organize mass production that will drive price down.

This technology itself is available right now and Graphene will be used in mass production from this year and in the future for
mobile communication devices by the several Electronic giants we should see within year or two first development of this type of


Reserve all rights. All statements in this blog post and predictions are based
on my interpretation of probability and are purely subjective.

Finding, Reading, & Citing


graphene sheet strength…ger-than-steel

direct brain controlling movement

future of graphene…ton-university…e-nanoribbons/

ultracapacitors & graphene…0512150731.htm…tors-with.html

future computing with graphene & other 2D materials…1009140214.htm…omponents.html…-graphene.html

solar cells graphene

Shape memory Polymers – Electro Active Polymers

Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature
Saint Augustine


Exoskeletons Today

Today’s major players producing commercial Exoskeletons are 3 companies:

 ReWalk Program / Exoskeleton by Israelis Argos Medical Technology

This Exoskeleton can be purchased directly from
manufacturer and can help paraplegics to walk even
up and down stairs and battery pack will be good up to 8 hours.

Price is per custom arrangements and can be around $ 75,000

Cyberdyne  Hal Robotic Suit

This suit was created by Japanese Prof. Sankai in 2004 and already have been used by Japanese Rehab centers.  Suit in several different versions can be rented (only in few Japan major centers), but major disadvantage is design that is constructed according to body size of average Japanese person and larger size of Caucasian man / women usually require stronger, more powerful suit.

Ekso &  Berkeley Bionics ELegs

First developed as part of Military program of Berkeley University from 2005 and later established as separate Rehab program with launch of self supporting Elegs designed to help Rehabilitation of Paraplegics.

Price tag around $ 100.000 .
Still in development.

For future of Exoskeleton see post on my Blog: Death of Wheelchair or
Graphene as Future of Exoskeleton suites.

Also see an excellent article published in Discovery Magazine (see below):

Excerpt from this article published in Discovery Magazine:

Exoskeletons Will Be the Eyeglasses of the 21st Century

…..A fully functional exoskeleton, manipulated through connections to the patient’s motor and somatosensory cortices.
“The ultimate goal,” [neurophysiologist Miguel] Nicolelis says, “is to build a robotic vest for the whole body. Just as in this study, a person’s brain activity will control movement of the limbs, and get sensory feedback from the external world.”This kind of technology could revolutionize the way para- and quadriplegics live their lives.

According to Nicolelis, if and when a brain-controlled exoskeleton becomes commonplace, spinal cord injuries will be a different animal altogether.

Doctors would theoretically use this kind of technology to treat patients immediately after a spinal cord lesion, so that living in a wheelchair could be a thing of the past.

More about Exoskeletons in this Blog: